The Healthy Parent Carers programme is designed to improve the health and wellbeing of parent/carer of children and young people with SEND, as well as their children, by promoting empowerment, confidence and resilience through peer-led, supportive sessions. Click here for more information: Home – Healthy Parent Carers

We are looking for parent/carers to volunteer to run the programme in the BCP area. We need 2x pairs of facilitators (2x Leads and 2x Assistants). The training starts on 24 March 2023 and is all online, so no need to travel. For Lead Facilitators, it runs weekly over 7 day sessions, with the Assistant Facilitators joining for the last 4 – see attached for the person specification guidance.

Once training is completed, volunteers would be licensed to run the programme for a year, with a renewal option in place. There are 12 modules to the programme delivered in 2-hour chunks.

Volunteers can apply by completing this expression of interest, by Friday 10 March: